Third Generation14. Percy Summers CROCKER was born on 19 Apr 1895 in Kingsburg, Fresno Co, CA. He was elected as captain of the Selma High School basketball team in 1913 in Selma, Fresno Co, CA. He authored the Second Prize Story his senior year in 1913 in Selma, Fresno Co, CA. He served in the military in 1918 in WWI - France. He died on 25 May 1977 in Palmdale, Mojave Co, CA. He was buried in Palmdale, Mojave Co, CA. He was a Mining Engineer. Percy Summers CROCKER and Bertha Marion MCCREA
were married on 27 Oct 1928 in Hammonton, Atlantic Co, NJ. Bertha
Marion MCCREA was buried in Palmdale, Mojave Co, CA. Percy Summers
CROCKER and Bertha Marion MCCREA had the following children:
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