Fourth Generation57. Vern Kongable BENSON was born on 13 Feb 1911 in Guthrie, Logan Co, OK. Between 1940 and 1944 he was a principal of Fogarty Junior High School in Guthrie, Logan Co, OK. He was buried in 1981 in Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas Co, TX. He died on 14 Jul 1981 in Ballinger, Runnels Co, TX. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Funeral] He was educated in Central State College, Edmond, OK, BS. He was named after his grandfather. Vern Kongable
BENSON and Clara Elizabeth SCHEIHING were married on 16 Jun 1934 in Guthrie,
Logan Co, OK. Clara Elizabeth SCHEIHING
(daughter of Karl Wilhelm (Charles W., C. W., or Charley) SCHEIHING and Eleonora
(Laura) RÖMER) was born on 10 Dec 1908 in Guthrie, Logan Co, OK.
She was educated Guthrie High school in 1927 in Guthrie, Logan Co, OK.
She was educated in 1931 in Central State College, Edmond, OK, BS.
She died on 9 Dec 1995 in Dallas, Dallas Co, TX. [NEED TO DEFINE
SENTENCE: Funeral] She was buried on 13 Dec 1995 in Restland Memorial
Park, Dallas, Dallas Co, TX. She was named after Clara Taylor, a
family friend. Vern Kongable BENSON and Clara Elizabeth SCHEIHING
had the following children:
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